Why Join the OCME?

Boost Your Visibility, Collaborate with Peers, and Monetize Your Passion

Join the OCME and tap into a vibrant ecosystem designed to elevate your creative projects. Here, you become part of a community that not only broadens your visibility but also supports dynamic collaborations and provides innovative ways to monetize your work. Whether you are showcasing AI-enhanced music, videos, animations, or other digital media, OCME offers you the tools and community support to elevate your creations and achieve measurable success.

Monetize Your Content: As an OCME member, you have access to a unique monetization model for your AI-enhanced music videos and animations. We allocate 60% of our revenue—generated from subscriber fees—directly to creators like you. This approach ensures that your work not only gains visibility but also secures the financial rewards it deserves from being streamed on The AI Music and Video Channel.

Connect and Collaborate: As a member, you have access to our community of curators, industry leaders, and subscribers. Use our chat functions to connect with these members to collaborate on projects, show segments, industry events, and to gain real-time audience feedback.

Gain Insights: As a member, gain access to analytics that reveal how audiences interact with your content. Use these insights to fine-tune your creations, aligning them more closely with viewer preferences, which enhances engagement and maximizes your earnings potential.

Becoming an OCME Member: A Three-Step Process

  • Step One – OCME Site Registration:
    Initial Registration: Enter your Username/Name/Alias, Email Address, and create a password to start your journey on the OCME site.
  • Step Two – Choose Your Role and Await Verification:
    Select Membership Type: Once logged in, choose to join as a Creator, Curator, or Industry Leader. Familiarize yourself with each role through the site and the Ecosystem Governance Framework (EGF).
    Processing: Your membership request will be processed within 48 hours. You will receive a welcome email confirming your membership status upon approval.
  • Step Three – Update Membership ID and Register on Platforms:
    Membership ID Update: Complete your profile to receive your Membership ID Card, an essential credential for further activities.


Platform Registration: With your membership confirmed, use your member ID to register on platforms that are part of our Minimum Viable Ecosystem, including the AI Music Video Show, Saturday Morning Cartoons, and the AI Music and Video Channel.

Join OCME now to transform your passion into opportunity and become a vital part of a community that values innovation and collaboration!